
- Craft brewers in Frederick, MD at the front of the sesquicentennial of the Civil War
- Malts on the menu ....with recipe for chocolate malt ganache
- Up on the Hilltop, New Glarus Brewing Co. draws tourism, craft brew fans
- Beer Hunter, Whisky Chaser - all about a book in honor of Michael Jackson, now available online
- A recipe for oh-so-sweet Barley Wine Marshmallows as part of a press release for The Best of American Beer & Food - featured on Milwaukee's WUWM public radio station - plus listen to other recent radio interviews
- A great gift idea for fans of beer and barbecue - with more than 100 recipes, Grilling with Beer: Bastes, BBQ Sauces, Mops, Marinades & More, Made with Craft Beer - with savory reviews - and books available
by mail order with a check for signed copies here or online at beertown.org.
- Best holiday gift ideas - check out our selection of fun presents for the beer lover in your life, including gifts from Pike Pub & Brewery shop owned by Charlie and Rose Ann Finkel
- Get your grills going with spicy Brown Ale Brined Chicken Wings - featured by KINK FM during the Portland Spring Beer & Wine Fest
- Fry me a river of beer-battered apple fritters
- Brooklyn has beer mecca Bierkraft
for holiday shopping and tasting speclalty cheeses with craft brews
- Tempting
dinners with Verboten Vrucht at Toronto's Bier

- Beer
and artisanal cheeses paired at le Fourquet
Fourchette, with chef Francois Pellerin
- A
new cookbook, full of recipes ready for stadium grilling and tailgating,
from Beer-ometer chef Ted Reader
- Serving
smoked duck salad and tips
about cooking with beer at Sweet Homebrew Chicago, the 2003
American Homebrewers Association
- How
to put the "ale" back in matrimonial...all about weiss
- Marc
Kadish, beer bastion of Allston, and the Sunset Grill's shark
- Beer
bean burgers, made with instant beans
- Dishing
up tuna tartare with San Francisco-based beercook Chef
Bruce Paton
- A
really, really cold one - beer
ice cream is the best dessert
- articles
about beer and drink places, such as the Kingsmill Resort in Williamsburg,
VA, where culinarian Joe Durante serves up signature
smoked foods from Budweiser beer-bathed beechwood

- tips & specialty ingredients for better cooking with beer
always beer on the table here at beercook.com, a bimonthly ezine for
people who enjoy beer with food.
recipes for cooking with beer, you'll find articles and profiles of
chefs, brewers, and home cooks who love pairing beer and beer -- but
no brand ratings. You can also check out grillingwithbeer.com.
you want reviews of breweries, taverns and specific brands, check
out one of the following sites: www.beeradvocate.com,
www.beerme.com, www.beertown.org,
www.beerinfo.com, www.brewingnews.com,
www.worldofbeer.com, and
its host www.realbeer.com.
you enjoy cooking with beer? Become a beercook recipe tester! Email lucy at site name